RWBC Class B 4th Edition

02.08.2004 until 04.09.04
(Promotions: 6 Demotions: 7)
[Results and tables of Class B 1st-3rd Edition]

Seeding LIST for RWBC Class B 4 th Edition:

(Promotions: 6 Demotions: 7)
  1   SOS_991103          DE    Rudolf Huber                   ->SOS_4(UCI2WB/Polylot)
  2   TheCrazyBishop_050  FR    Remi Coulom                    ->0.52
  3   DeepPatzer_361      DE    Roland Pfister
  4   Queen_242a          NL    Leen Ammeraal                  ->2.44
  5   Horizon_41b2        US    Ron Murawski                   ->4.1b13
  6   PostModernist_1010a UK    Andrew Williams
  7   Knightdreamer_32,   SE    Johan Melin                    ->3.3
  8   Terra_33b2,         SE    Peter Fendrich                 ->3.3b11
  9   Ufim_403,           RU    Nyaz Khasanov                  ->5.01
 10   Resp_019,           DE    Peter Rosendahl                
 11   Baron_11b3,         NL    Richard Pijl                   ->1.40b2
 12   Amateur_270,        US    Will Singleton                 ->2.80
 13   Gothmog_043,        NO    Tord Romstad                   ->1.0b10
 14   Frenzee_149,        DK    Sune Fischer                   ->1.59
 15   Betsy_651,          US    Landon W. Rabern               
 16   Kaissa_17,          BY    Vladimir Yelin   
 17   Capture_R1          FR    Sylvain Renard                 Wildcard(UCI2WB/Polylot)(commercial)              
 18   GnuChess_507IDC,    US    Chua K. Sian + Stuart Cracraft 
 19   Movei_008145,       IS    Uri Blass                      ->00.8.251s
 20   Esc_116,            IT    Claudio della Corte            
 21   Phalanx_22,         CZ    Dusan Dobes                    
 22   KnightX_181,        FR    Christophe Jolly               ->1.84
 23   LordKing_4,         IT    Carlo Pivotto                  
 24   Butcher_142c,       PL    Marek Kolacz                   ->1.47
 25   Beowulf_22,         US    Colin Frayn + Dann Corbit      ->2.3b6
 26   ArasanX_72,         US    Jon Dart                       ->7.4
 27   Dragon_45,          FR    Bruno Lucas                    
 28   Chezzz_103,         DK    David Rasmussen                
 29   Bestia_090,         UA    George Lyapko                  
 30   Tytan_3041,         PL    Tomasz Michniewski             ->3.69
 31   Averno_052,         ES    Jose Carlos                    ->0.70
 32   Cerebro_123,        AR    Antonio Senatore               ->1.27
 33   Ant_606,            NL    Tom Vijlbrief                  
 34   InMiChess_305,      AT    Werner Inman                   
 35   Gaviota_033,        AR    Miguel Ballicora               
 36   Cyberpagno_201,     IT    Marco Pagnoncelli              
 37   ExChess_403a,       US    Dan Homann                     
 38   Fruit_15JR          FR    Fabien Letouzey                ->X0705
 39   Zappa_070X          UK    Anthony Cozzie
 40   Snitch_0366         DE    Klaus Friedel                  ->0.55
 41   Booot_403           UA    Alex Morozov                   ->4.1b2
 42   Djinn_0870          US    Tom Likens