RWBC Open Class 6th Edition

(Running since 21.10.)

(UCI2WB-Polyglot programs without own book start with
a small(14 plies) book made by me.
The books are made with Lance Perkins Bookmaker!)

[Seeding list for the OpenClass 4th Edition]
(Fourth Edition – Results+Tables+PGN)
[Seeding list for the OpenClass 5th Edition]
(Fifth Edition – Results+Tables+PGN)

Seeding LIST for RWBC Open Class 6th Edition:

(Promotions: 18 Demotions: 9)
Robin_0983 removed due to 3 time losses in the Qualification
No  Name                 Fed   Author                         

 1. Anaconda_207b2,      DE    Frank Schneider+Kai Skibbe    new(qualified)
 2. Scorpio_16,          ET    Daniel Shawul                 new(qualified)
 3. Matacz_10,           PL    Maciej Pestka                
 4. Danasah_16,          ES    Pedro Casto                   new(qualified)
 5. Diablo_03,           US    Marcus Prewarski              new(qualified)
 6. Arion_16,            FR    Gabriel Guillory              new(qualified)
 7. Gaia_22a,            FR    Romang & Rabel               
 8. Natwarlal_012,       IN    Pallav Nawani                
 9. GES_136,             US    David Weller                 
10. Aice_097,            GR    Milikas Anastasios           
11. Homer_102,           DE    Daniel Mehrmann               new(qualified)
12. Matant_41,           PL    Antoni Szczepanski            new(qualified)
13. Latista_13,          US    Eric Oldre                    new(qualified)
14. pikoSzachy_10,       PL    Piotr Cichy                   new(qualified)
15. Popochin_20c,        ES    Miguel Izquierdo              new(qualified)
16. RomiChess_Proto2i,   US    Michael Sherwin               new(qualified)
17. Zeus_119,            RU    Vadim Bykov                   new(qualified)
18. Atlas_213,           ES    Andres Manzanares             new(qualified)
19. JanWillem_113,       NL    Laurens Winkelhagen           new(qualified)
20. Laurifer_10,         PL    Robert Lubczynski             new(qualified)
21. Gibbon_105h,         FR    Eric Marathee                 new(qualified)
22. Parrot_050205,       US    Johanes Suhardjo             
23. Eagle_071,           DE    Frank Scharn                  new(qualified)
24. ColChess_80DC,       UK    Colin Frayn                  
25. nanoSzachy_22,       PL    Piotr Cichy                  
26. Gosu_011,            PL    Arkadiusz Paterek            
27. Firefly_143b2,       HK    Andrew Fan                   
28. Hermann_15,          DE    Volker Annuss                
29. Smash_09rc1,         IT    Maurizio Sambatti            
30. Kiwi_06b,            IT    Alessandro Scotti            
31. Sage_14,             US    David Dahlem                  new(qualified)
32. Atak_42E,            PL    Mateusz Luksik                new(qualified)
33. Requiem_053,         FI    Severi Salminen               demoted from Class D
34. RDChess_323,         AT    Rudolf Posch                  demoted from Class D
35. SnailChess_4013,     SG    Chan Rashijd                  demoted from Class D
36. Neurosis_191,        NL    Stan Arts                     demoted from Class D
37. Freyr_1067,          RO    Andrej Fortuna                demoted from Class D
38. Muriel_071,          ES    Manuel Jesus Petit de Gabriel demoted from Class D
39. BSC_28,              FR    Nicolas Robert                demoted from Class D
40. Rinko_115,           IT    Marco Grella                  demoted from Class D
41. CTD_012,             NL    Richard Pijl                  new(qualified)
42. TwistedLogic_0001,   PH    Edsel Apostel                 new(qualified)
43. ChessRikus_1465,     US    Jeff Bishop                   new(qualified)
44. Lime_48,             UK    Richard Allbert               new(qualified)
45. Alfil_507,           ES    Enrique Sanchez Acosta        new(qualified)
46. Ajetac_264,          MX    Cesar R. C. Peres             new(qualified)
47. Morphy_322,          NL    Eric Walstra                 
48. Elephant_106,        DE    Harald Luessen               
49. KKFChess_267b,       HK    Andrew Fan                   
50. Deuterium_05081512,  PH    Ferdinand S. Mosca           
51. Ayito_02994,         ES    Jaime Benito de Valle Ruiz   
52. Cecir_35,            UR    Guillermo Carvalho           
53. Simontacchi_181,     US    Mike Maxim                   
54. Marvin_130,          SE    Martin Danielsson            
55. Nesik_070,           PL    Marek Strejczek              
56. Tornado_0842,        DE    Engin Uestuen                
57. DelphiMax_29,        DE    Martin Bauer                 
58. Imp_074b,            LT    Aivaras Juzvikas             
59. Grizzly_1401b,       DE    Michael Lawatsch             
60. Wing_15,             NL    Stef Luijten                 
61. Alex_16704,          US    Normand Blais                
62. Adam_29,             FR    Dominique Longbien           
63. Ranita_24,           FR    Jean-Yves Lallemand          
64. Kanguruh_190,        AU    Thomas McBurney              
*DC at the end of the versions name = Compiled/Tweaked by Dann Corbit
Allowed to play with a small default(14 plies) ThinkerBook:
=>Qualification tourney