Seeding LIST for RWBC Class A 6th Edition:
(Promotions: 7 Demotions: 11)
1 Celes_077, NL Johan Hutting ->0.78RWBC
2 Chispa_396, AR Federico Corigliano ->4.052
3 Gerbil_02, US Bruce Moreland
4 Requiem_053, FI Severi Salminen
5 Knightcap_33, AU Andrew Tridgell
6 Morphy_322, NL Eric Walstra
7 NoonianChess_36e2, US Charles Roberson
8 Rinko_115, IT Marco Grella
9 BSC_28, FR Nicolas Robert
10 Mustang_267, BY Alexey Korneychuk
11 SSEChess_2045, US Samuel Slutzky
12 Muriel_071, ES Manuel Jesus Petit de Gabriel
13 SnailChess_4013, SG Chan Rashijd
14 ChessterfieldCL_i5a, CH Matthias Luescher
15 Fauce_041c, IT Ubaldo Andrea Farina
16 ColChess_80DC, UK Colin Frayn
17 Monik_211, CA Sylvain Lacomb
18 Grizzly_1401b, DE Michael Lawatsch
19 Chiron_033, IT Ubaldo Andrea Farina ->0.38(private)
20 Gk_090, NL Tijs van Dam
21 Simontacchi_181, US Mike Maxim
22 NagaSkaki_204, ZA Neels Groenewald ->3.01
23 Gargamella_050, IT Nicola Rizzuti
24 Neurosis_13c, NL Stan Arts ->1.8b
25 Aldebaran_070, IT Mauro Scarpa
26 Tinker_439, US Brian Richardson ->4.47(private)
27 Merlin_12, HU Jako Balasz
28 Bodo_02, AU Joel Venesse ->0.2b
29 Sharper_014, SE Albert Bertilsson ->0.17
30 DrunkenMaster_05, US Marcus Prewarski ->1.0
31 Embracer_112, SE Benny Antonsson
32 Zappa_070X US Anthony Cozzie
33 Fruit_10 FR Fabien Letouzey ->X0509
34 Jonny_262 DE Johannes Zwanzger
35 Booot_32 UA Alex Morozov ->3.3
36 DanChess_104c ET Daniel Shawul
37 Snitch_0347 DE Klaus Friedel ->0.357
38 Rybka_1532 US Vasik Rajlich
39 BlackBishop_097i DE Andreas Herrmann
40 Bruja_12 US Dan Honeycutt ->1.6
41 Uragano_077 IT Luca Naddei
42 Delphil_07f, FR Philippe Fabiani ->0.7g
[*DC at the end of a versions name means: compiled/tweaked by Dann Corbit]