RWBC Class D 4th Edition:

Start: 24.05.04
No.1 Cilian 4.13 removed, because of wrong draw claims!
No.9 Soldat 0.25b removed of the same reason!
Both will be allowed to return to the OpenClass if fixed.

Seeding LIST for RWBC Class A 6th Edition:

(Promotions: 7 Demotions: 11)
 1    Celes_077,                NL    Johan Hutting                  ->0.78RWBC
 2    Chispa_396,               AR    Federico Corigliano            ->4.052
 3    Gerbil_02,                US    Bruce Moreland        
 4    Requiem_053,              FI    Severi Salminen       
 5    Knightcap_33,             AU    Andrew Tridgell        
 6    Morphy_322,               NL    Eric Walstra           
 7    NoonianChess_36e2,        US    Charles Roberson       
 8    Rinko_115,                IT    Marco Grella   
 9    BSC_28,                   FR    Nicolas Robert          
 10   Mustang_267,              BY    Alexey Korneychuk         
 11   SSEChess_2045,            US    Samuel Slutzky       
 12   Muriel_071,               ES    Manuel Jesus Petit de Gabriel               
 13   SnailChess_4013,          SG    Chan Rashijd 
 14   ChessterfieldCL_i5a,      CH    Matthias Luescher                   
 15   Fauce_041c,               IT    Ubaldo Andrea Farina             
 16   ColChess_80DC,            UK    Colin Frayn        
 17   Monik_211,                CA    Sylvain Lacomb                 
 18   Grizzly_1401b,            DE    Michael Lawatsch                             
 19   Chiron_033,               IT    Ubaldo Andrea Farina           ->0.38(private)
 20   Gk_090,                   NL    Tijs van Dam  
 21   Simontacchi_181,          US    Mike Maxim          
 22   NagaSkaki_204,            ZA    Neels Groenewald               ->3.01             
 23   Gargamella_050,           IT    Nicola Rizzuti   
 24   Neurosis_13c,             NL    Stan Arts                      ->1.8b
 25   Aldebaran_070,            IT    Mauro Scarpa            
 26   Tinker_439,               US    Brian Richardson               ->4.47(private)    
 27   Merlin_12,                HU    Jako Balasz    
 28   Bodo_02,                  AU    Joel Venesse                   ->0.2b                   
 29   Sharper_014,              SE    Albert Bertilsson              ->0.17 
 30   DrunkenMaster_05,         US    Marcus Prewarski               ->1.0               
 31   Embracer_112,             SE    Benny Antonsson  
 32   Zappa_070X                US    Anthony Cozzie
 33   Fruit_10                  FR    Fabien Letouzey                ->X0509
 34   Jonny_262                 DE    Johannes Zwanzger
 35   Booot_32                  UA    Alex Morozov                   ->3.3
 36   DanChess_104c             ET    Daniel Shawul
 37   Snitch_0347               DE    Klaus Friedel                  ->0.357
 38   Rybka_1532                US    Vasik Rajlich
 39   BlackBishop_097i          DE    Andreas Herrmann
 40   Bruja_12                  US    Dan Honeycutt                  ->1.6
 41   Uragano_077               IT    Luca Naddei
 42   Delphil_07f,              FR    Philippe Fabiani               ->0.7g
[*DC at the end of a versions name means: compiled/tweaked by Dann Corbit]