CCRAT Results




Ryzen7 5700G 8*3.8 Ghz (16HT), 32 GB DDR4 Ram


WIN 11 Pro


CuteChessGUI EXPER 3.5.1 (advanced CuteChess fork/branch by 'alwey'), SCID vs PC 4.25, Ordo 1.26.


Fixed openings from my 3M_rand.pgn (1185 opening lines with 6 plies) for programs rated below XXXX (not yet decided).
Fixed openings from UHO XYZ (not yet decided) for programs rated above XXXX (not yet decided).
All games played twice with reversed colours for each line.


Time control (adapted to CCRL Blitz spec according to used hardware) 1:20 + 1s (+20ms GUI margin), Hash 256MB(main) if supported.
Ponder off, Resign set to 900 for 5 moves both sides. Concurreny currently set to 4.
Draw adjudication at 100/10/20 (moves/length/score) and at max. move 240 (those results will be manually checked later and eventually adjusted).

Tablebases up to 5 men, if supported, e.g. Syzygy, Nalimov, Scorpio or Gaviota bases.
Szygzy adjudication only if all participants of a match/tourney support Syzygy themselves.

Since CCRAT-8 changed to a minimal Syzygy adjudication for tournaments of all rating ranges no matter if TBS are supported by the participants!


CuteChessGUI result output:
Rank Name                                  TC     Elo     +/-   Games    Wins  Losses   Draws   Points   Score    Draw    Time Illegal  Discon   Stall WrClaim 
   0 Frolic_25-64                        80+1     108      28     500     267     116     117    325.5   65.1%   23.4%       0       0       0       0       0 
   1 Counter_30-64                       80+1     -42      63     100      35      47      18     44.0   44.0%   18.0%       0       0       0       0       0 
   2 Fruit_21                            80+1     -67      62     100      30      49      21     40.5   40.5%   21.0%       0       0       0       0       0 
   3 Asymptote_05-64                     80+1    -131      66     100      23      59      18     32.0   32.0%   18.0%       0       0       0       0       0 
   4 Leorik_22-64                        80+1    -135      59     100      16      53      31     31.5   31.5%   31.0%       0       0       0       0       0 
   5 Philou_371-64                       80+1    -177      62     100      12      59      29     26.5   26.5%   29.0%       0       0       0       0       0 
Ordo Output (200 simuls):
   # PLAYER             :  RATING  ERROR  POINTS  PLAYED    (%)    W    D    L   D(%)
   1 Frolic_25-64       :   93.69  23.50   325.5     500  65.10  267  117  116  23.40
   2 Counter_30-64      :   50.99  55.11    44.0     100  44.00   35   18   47  18.00
   3 Fruit_21           :   25.59  56.13    40.5     100  40.50   30   21   49  21.00
   4 Asymptote_05-64    :  -39.70  58.51    32.0     100  32.00   23   18   59  18.00
   5 Leorik_22-64       :  -43.78  56.05    31.5     100  31.50   16   31   53  31.00
   6 Philou_371-64      :  -86.78  56.30    26.5     100  26.50   12   29   59  29.00

White advantage = 35.48 +/- 14.64
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 25.47 % +/- 1.90
=> GAMES(download)
- Frolic 2.5 played with 32MB hash, because it has a fixed value and
changing it is not yet implemented (despite available uci option)


   # PLAYER                      :  RATING  ERROR  POINTS  PLAYED    (%)    W    D    L   D(%)
   1 Fruit_21                    :   61.90  37.15   136.5     200  68.25  115   43   42  21.50
   2 Euwe_200-64                 :    6.13  38.48   122.0     200  61.00   98   48   54  24.00
   3 GreKo_2017-64               :    4.29  36.68   121.5     200  60.75  103   37   60  18.50
   4 Potential_srw-bb19e54-64    :  -72.32  18.20   220.0     600  36.67  156  128  316  21.33

White advantage = 10.12 +/- 12.53
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 22.47 % +/- 1.72
=> GAMES(download)
Player: Potential_srw-bb19e54-64
   "Loss: Black makes an illegal move: a5b5": 1
   "Loss: Black makes an illegal move: d1b6b": 1
   "Loss: Black makes an illegal move: f8h6": 1
   "Loss: Black's connection stalls": 3
   "Loss: White makes an illegal move: a8a8": 1
   "Loss: White's connection stalls": 5
Player: GreKo_2017-64
   "Loss: Black makes an illegal move: a8a8": 1
   "Loss: White makes an illegal move: a8a8": 3
- GreKo 2017 sends 'material draw' and plays an illegal move 'a8a8'
also in positions not covered by FIDE rules.

position fen 1b6/8/2K2N2/8/8/8/4k3/8 w - - 0 164
go wtime 20000 btime 20000 winc 1000 binc 1000
1/2-1/2 {Insufficient material}
bestmove a8a8

In later versions it sends a legal bestmove and plays on.
Note that this bug was present in an earlier version 10.3 too and
had been fixed already, but obviously crept in again.

- Potential test version with some bugs - stalling in dead lost positions
and other bugs.


   # PLAYER                       :  RATING  ERROR  POINTS  PLAYED    (%)    W    D    L   D(%)
   1 Lux 4.1 x64                  :   60.97  50.83    68.5     120  57.08   42   53   25  44.17
   2 Peacekeeper 1.30 x64         :   37.31  46.12    64.5     120  53.75   53   23   44  19.17
   3 Potential srw bb19e54 x64    :   10.97  23.73   249.0     480  51.88  190  118  172  24.58
   4 Monolith 0.4 x64             :  -21.26  44.33    54.5     120  45.42   46   17   57  14.17
   5 Coiled 0.5 x64               :  -87.99  50.18    43.5     120  36.25   31   25   64  20.83

White advantage = 6.01 +/- 13.37
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 25.05 % +/- 2.00
=> GAMES(download)
Player: Potential_srw-bb19e54-64
   "Loss: Black makes an illegal move: c7e5r": 1
   "Loss: Black's connection stalls": 3
   "Loss: White makes an illegal move: a8a8": 1
   "Loss: White's connection stalls": 3
Player: Lux_41-64
   "Loss: Black loses on time": 1
   "Loss: White loses on time": 1
- Lux 4.1 time losses in two games over 160 moves with a long move sequence
into the 50 moves draw counter (35-40 moves already).
It seems it always used very slightly more time than the inc gave even
after 140 moves.

- Potential test version with some bugs - stalling in dead lost positions
and other bugs.


   # PLAYER                       :  RATING  ERROR  POINTS  PLAYED    (%)    W    D    L   D(%)
   1 Quazar 0.3 x64               :   45.03  26.07   175.0     300  58.33  140   70   90  23.33
   2 Potential srw d00d895 x64    :   13.43  26.56   157.5     300  52.50  112   91   97  30.33
   3 Tcheran 3.0 x64              :  -23.36  27.15   137.0     300  45.67   93   88  119  29.33
   4 FoxSee v8.2 x64              :  -35.10  25.03   130.5     300  43.50   97   67  136  22.33

White advantage = 43.17 +/- 12.36
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 26.99 % +/- 1.85
=> GAMES(download)
Player: Potential_srw-d00d895-64
   "Loss: Black makes an illegal move: e3d3": 1
- Potential test version with some bugs.


   # PLAYER                       :  RATING  ERROR  POINTS  PLAYED    (%)    W    D    L   D(%)
   1 Glass 2.0 x64                :   90.25  62.43    57.5      80  71.88   51   13   16  16.25
   2 Leorik 2.1 x64               :   58.69  66.71    54.5      80  68.13   42   25   13  31.25
   3 Hamsters 0.7.1               :   24.26  64.12    51.0      80  63.75   43   16   21  20.00
   4 RedQueen 0.9.5 x64           :  -26.59  65.01    45.5      80  56.88   38   15   27  18.75
   5 Critter 0.40                 :  -71.09  58.93    40.5      80  50.63   32   17   31  21.25
   6 Potential srw d00d895 x64    :  -75.51  27.70   151.0     400  37.75  108   86  206  21.50

White advantage = 32.62 +/- 16.33
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 22.91 % +/- 2.13
=> GAMES(download)
Player: Potential_srw-d00d895-64
   "Loss: White makes an illegal move: a8a8": 2
Player: RedQueen_095-64
   "Loss: Black loses on time": 1
   "Loss: White loses on time": 1
- Various RedQueen versions sometimes (rarely) lose on time

- Potential test version with some bugs


   # PLAYER                       :   RATING  ERROR  POINTS  PLAYED    (%)    W    D    L   D(%)
   1 Admete 1.5.0 x64             :   117.01  40.81   136.0     200  68.00  112   48   40  24.00
   2 Hamsters 0.6                 :    88.43  36.00   127.5     200  63.75  104   47   49  23.50
   3 Counter 2.0.1 x64            :    57.51  39.43   118.0     200  59.00   99   38   63  19.00
   4 Potential dev 3a9f418 x64    :   -21.61  36.51    93.0     200  46.50   74   38   88  19.00
   5 Diablo 0.5.1 x64             :  -118.08  42.50    63.5     200  31.75   38   51  111  25.50
   6 Diablo 0.5.1                 :  -123.28  41.19    62.0     200  31.00   34   56  110  28.00

White advantage = 23.95 +/- 12.39
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 25.93 % +/- 1.98
=> GAMES(download)
Player: Potential_dev3a9f418-64
   "Loss: White disconnects": 1
Player: Counter_201-64
   "Loss: Black makes an illegal move: a5a4": 1
   "Loss: Black makes an illegal move: g4g3": 1
   "Loss: Black makes an illegal move: g8h7": 1
   "Loss: Black makes an illegal move: h5g6": 1
   "Loss: White makes an illegal move: f7d5": 1
   "Loss: White makes an illegal move: h3f1": 1
- Counter 2.0.1 ignores N underpromotions and treats 'em as Q promotions
(games of that version removed from the CCRAT rating list, as base games
from CCRL + CEGT were inconsistently adjudicated despite the resulting
illegal moves - bug fixed in 2.0.2)

- Potential test version with some bugs


   # PLAYER                       :  RATING  ERROR  POINTS  PLAYED    (%)    W    D    L   D(%)
   1 Potential dev 3a9f418 x64    :   45.53  16.31   250.5     400  62.63  213   75  112  18.75
   2 Diablo 0.5.1 x64             :  -45.53  16.31   149.5     400  37.38  112   75  213  18.75

White advantage = 29.09 +/- 16.00
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 19.62 % +/- 1.98
=> GAMES(download)
Player: Potential_dev3a9f418-64
   "Loss: Black disconnects": 7
   "Loss: White disconnects": 1
- Potential test version with some bugs


   # PLAYER                  :  RATING  ERROR  POINTS  PLAYED    (%)    W    D    L   D(%)
   1 Stash 10.0 x64          :  101.33  25.18   246.0     360  68.33  211   70   79  19.44
   2 Rudim 1.4 x64           :  -22.42  24.60   165.5     360  45.97  120   91  149  25.28
   3 Chers 0.3.2 x64         :  -31.48  25.16   159.5     360  44.31  108  103  149  28.61
   4 MinimalChess 0.3 x64    :  -47.43  25.04   149.0     360  41.39   92  114  154  31.67

White advantage = 14.12 +/- 10.72
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 27.63 % +/- 1.74
=> GAMES(download)
Player: Chers_032-64
   "Loss: White's connection stalls": 1
- Chers 0.32 bug verified and reproduced
3rr1k1/1p3pp1/pqnbbn1p/4p3/2ppP1P1/PP1P1N1P/1BPQNPB1/3RR1K1 w - - 0 19
(hangs always in this position)