Class D 5th Edition – (Technical) Bug list:

Note: If you click on the link of a bug you will jump to the according debug/log.
          A click on the according debug link takes you back to the begin of the page.

DEBUGS/LOGS excerpts:

Monik 1**************************************************************************************
1750817 >second: time 99186
otim 85850
1750817 >second: usermove 1750817 >second: g6h6
1750857 <second:  1   651      2         57 a5
1750857 <second:  2   665      2        162 a5 Re6
1750857 <second:  3   668      2        664 a5 Re6 Ra1 Ke2
1750867 <second:  4   674      3       2827 a5 Rh7 Ra3 Ra7
1750908 <second:  5   673      6      11364 a5 Rh7 Ra1 Kd2 Ra3 Ra7
1751148 <second:  6   672     31      69937 a6 Rh7 Ra4 Rf7 Rd4 Rf5
1751949 <second:  7   677    110     253251 a5 Rh7 a4 Ra7 a3 Ra5 Kd6
1753441 <second:  8   677    259     594448 a5 Rh8 a4 Ra8 a3 Ra5 Kd6
1762384 <second:  9   679   1154    2674773 a5 Rh3 a4 Kd1 Rb2
1784165 <second: 10   680   3332    7720559 a5 Rh7 a4 Ra7 a3 Ra8 Kb4
1784165 <second: move a7a5
Interrupting first
1784165 >first : time 85850
otim 95851
1784165 >first : a7a5
1784175 <first : 
1784175 <first : 
1784175 <first : 1 -957 0 5 h6c6 
1784175 <first : 1 -535 0 7 h6h7 
1784175 <first : 2 -550 0 69 h6h7 a2g2 
1784175 <first : 3 -550 0 264 h6h7 a2g2 h1h3 
1784185 <first : 4 -557 1 2847 h6h7 a5a4 h1h4 a4a3 
1784205 <first : 5 -551 3 11404 h6h7 a5a4 h1f1 a2a1 e1f2 
1784225 <first : 5 -541 5 19060 h1h2 a2h2 h6h2 a5a4 h2h7 
1784225 <first : 6 -552 5 21128 h1h2 a2h2 h6h2 a5a4 h2h7 a4a3 
1784486 <first : 6 -545 32 126508 e1g1 d5b4 f1f5 c5d4 h6h4 d4e3 
1784806 <first : 7 -548 64 239162 e1g1 a2c2 f1a1 c5b5 a1b1 d5b4 h6h5 
1785037 <first : 7 -547 87 321014 h1h3 a5a4 h3f3 a4a3 h6h7 c5d4 f3f7 
1785047 <first : 7 -543 88 322428 h1f1 a5a4 f1f7 a4a3 f7a7 a2a1 e1e2 
1785107 <first : 7 -542 94 347718 h1h2 a2h2 h6h2 a5a4 h2h7 a4a3 e1e2 
1785798 <first : 8 -544 163 646002 h1h2 a2h2 h6h2 a5a4 h2h4 c5b5 h4h7 c6c5 
1795812 <first : 8 -543 1164 4865153 e1g1 c5b5 f1b1 d5b4 b1d1 a2b2 d1d7 c6c5 
1812166 <first : 9 -536 2800 12135168 e1g1 c5b5 f1f2 a2f2 g1f2 c6c5 f2e2 c5c4 h6h7 
1812166 <first : Fail low
1812166 <first : 9 -536 2800 12135168 e1g1 c5b5 f1f2 a2f2 g1f2 c6c5 f2e2 c5c4 h6h7 
1812166 <first : move e1g1
Interrupting second
1812166 >second: time 95851
otim 83050
1812166 >second: usermove 1812166 >second: e1g1
GameEnds(31, White wins on time, 4)
Interrupting first
2770684 >first : result 1-0 {White wins on time}
Interrupting second
2770684 >second: result 1-0 {White wins on time}
2770684 >first : quit
2770684 >second: quit
Exiting: Match Monik_211 vs. Taktix_223r: final score 1-0-0
GameEnds(0, (null), 2)

Monik 2********************************************************************************
1010413 <first : 9 -288 649 4249663 Qxh7 Bf3 Qb1 Qg2+ 
1010413 <first : 
1010413 <first : Time-> 6.496 secs
1010413 <first : HUsed  ->  95%    	HProbes-> 921560  	HHits   -> 307331  
1010413 <first : HMisses-> 614229  	HFauls -> 0       	HNoscore-> 111088 
1010413 <first : HRcycle-> 581963  
1010413 <first : FHigh-> 560938 Flow-> 2711231 FWSearch-> 711956 Ordering->61.69
1010413 <first : Nodes-> 4249663 Evals-> 3330533 QDepth-> 23 Exts-> 97418 ExtD-> 20 (654196 NPS, br=4.00)
1010413 <first : PVS:	d3xh7  h1-f3  h7-b1  g4-g2  
1010413 <first : Time remaining= 466
1010413 <first : 
1010413 <first : 
1010413 <first : Move:	d3xh7     	
1010413 <first : 
1010413 <first : move d3h7
Interrupting second
1010413 >second: time 33461
otim 46620
1010413 >second: d3h7
1010443 <second: 
1010443 <second: 
1010443 <second: 1 1263 0 1 h8h7 
1010443 <second: 2 1274 0 58 h8h7 d2d3 
1010443 <second: 3 1314 0 290 h8h7 d2d3 b7b6 
1010443 <second: Fail high
1010443 <second: 3 1321 0 581 h8h7 d2c3 g7g5 
1010443 <second: 4 1361 0 2507 h8h7 d2c3 g7g5 d3d2 
1010443 <second: Fail high
1010443 <second: 5 1386 2 9169 h8h7 d2c3 g4e2 c3d4 h7h4 
1010613 <second: 6 1426 19 84663 h8h7 d2c3 g4e2 c3d4 h7h4 d4e5 
1010613 <second: Fail high
1010754 <second: 7 1466 33 159551 h8h7 d2c3 g4e2 c3d4 h7h4 d4e5 g2g3 
1010754 <second: Fail high
1010994 <second: 7 1488 57 282059 h8h7 d2c3 h7h3 c3d2 g4c4 d5d6 c4d5 
1013698 <second: 8 1528 328 1574353 h8h7 d2c3 h7h3 c3d2 g4c4 d5d6 c4d5 d2c1 
1013698 <second: Fail high
1015691 <second: 8 1540 527 2648442 h8h7 d2c3 h7h4 c3d2 g4c4 d2e1 c4c3 e1e2 
1021419 <second: Fail low
1021419 <second: 8 1540 1100 5334527 h8h7 d2c3 h7h4 c3d2 g4c4 d2e1 c4c3 e1e2 
1021419 <second: move h8h7
1021419 >first : time 46620
otim 32361
1021419 >first : h8h7
1021429 <first : got>> time 46620
1021429 <first : got>> otim 32361
1021429 <first : got>> h8h7
1021429 <first : Illegal move: h8h7
GameEnds(31, White wins on time, 4)
1345044 >first : result 1-0 {White wins on time}
Interrupting second
1345044 >second: result 1-0 {White wins on time}
1345044 >first : force
1345044 >second: quit
Exiting: Match KDLchess v0.7.1 vs. Monik_211: final score 1-0-0
GameEnds(0, (null), 2)